Why patient complaints are a good thing....

1 Minute Read

Why patient complaints are a good thing....

To manage complaints, it's crucial to realign patient expectations through clear communication, such as informing them about new policies in advance.

Complaints usually stem from misunderstandings or unmet expectations, such as wait times, cleanliness, or rude staff. Parents, particularly mothers, might be under stress from dealing with a sick child, which can shorten their patience. Complaints present an opportunity for improvement and should be viewed constructively. For instance, a complaint about consistent cleanliness issues led to discovering a problem with the cleaning crew. Addressing frequent complaints about long wait times might involve reexamining scheduling processes. Pediatrics, being a high-volume, low-margin field, requires efficient patient processing.  Listening to and resolving complaints, such as long triage line wait times, can lead to implementing better systems and improved overall efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • Patient Complaints and Their Causes- The types of complaints typically received in a medical office, highlighting common issues such as wait times, phone line availability, unexpected co-pay policies, and overall patient expectations not being met.
  • Understanding the Root Cause- The video below emphasizes that many complaints stem from patients not having clear expectations, such as appointment wait times or financial policies, and suggest that better communication could realign these expectations.
  • The Value of Complaints- Paulie Vanchiere shares a positive sentiment on patient complaints, noting that they reveal areas for improvement. An anecdote about a recurring cleanliness issue illustrates how a patient complaint led to discovering and addressing a problem with the cleaning crew.
  • Operational Efficiency- For pediatric practices, which operate on low margins and high volume, complaints can identify pain points in operations. Examples include improving scheduling efficiency, ensuring quick eligibility checks, and streamlining triage processes to better manage patient flow and resource allocation.



Picture of Paul Vanchiere, MBA

Paul Vanchiere, MBA

For over 15 years, Paul has dedicated himself exclusively to addressing the financial management, strategic planning, and succession planning needs of pediatric practices. His background includes working for a physician-owned health network and participating in physician practice acquisitions for Texas's largest not-for-profit hospital network, giving him a distinctive insight into the healthcare sector. Paul is adept at conducting comprehensive financial analysis, physician compensation issues, and managed care contract negotiations. He established the Pediatric Management Institute to offer a wide range of services tailored to pediatric practices of all sizes and stages of development, with a focus on financial and operational challenges. Additionally, Paul is actively involved in advocacy efforts to ensure healthcare access and educational opportunities for children with special needs.
