The Pizza Parlor

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The Pizza Parlor


Over the years, I’ve always enjoyed visiting a particular pizza parlor seeing employees taking customer orders, refilling drinks, and tossing pizza dough. Each member of the team is usually busy with their duties, yet all work together to create a warm and welcoming environment for customers. Over time I had gotten to know the owner of the restaurant and he would often share stories about the running of his pizza parlor.

During one visit many years ago, the owner shared with me how proud he was of his success and the ability to provide for his employees. He mentioned, “You see all of those cars in the employee parking lot? All of those cars are there because I provide my workers with a job. Without the job that I give them, they wouldn’t be able to buy those cars.” As I was leaving, I looked around the parking lot and saw a shiny Cadillac parked in the owner's parking spot and thought to myself that was only made possible because of the work and dedication of the people working for him.

This interaction stuck with me and frequently comes to mind when working with pediatric practices around the country. Unlike the owner of the pizza parlor, physicians must remember the be mindful of the contributions the employees are making to the practice. Without each of them, the practice would not be able to provide a medical home for children. As a physician and leader of the practice, it’s important to be mindful of what they do for you. Your employees create the opportunity for you to care for children and further the practice’s mission.

Kindness, Integrity, Dignity, and Service (KIDS) are the four pillars that I encourage (and preach) regularly as it relate to employee and patient interactions. Customer service may be the more obvious driver of patient experience and satisfaction, but employee appreciation and satisfaction have a profound impact on the experience that patients ultimately receive. When leaders focus on these four tenets (KIDS), it permeates throughout the organization, improving the experience of employees and patients alike to create a warm and welcoming environment like that of the pizza parlor. So, whether you drive a Cadillac, BMW, or Ford, always remember who helped you get there.

Picture of Paul Vanchiere, MBA

Paul Vanchiere, MBA

For over 15 years, Paul has dedicated himself exclusively to addressing the financial management, strategic planning, and succession planning needs of pediatric practices. His background includes working for a physician-owned health network and participating in physician practice acquisitions for Texas's largest not-for-profit hospital network, giving him a distinctive insight into the healthcare sector. Paul is adept at conducting comprehensive financial analysis, physician compensation issues, and managed care contract negotiations. He established the Pediatric Management Institute to offer a wide range of services tailored to pediatric practices of all sizes and stages of development, with a focus on financial and operational challenges. Additionally, Paul is actively involved in advocacy efforts to ensure healthcare access and educational opportunities for children with special needs.
