PMI Learning Center

Bullying in the Workplace

Written by Paul Vanchiere, MBA | Aug 15, 2024 8:48:28 PM

Bullying in the Workplace

The "Bullying in the Workplace" guide provides practical advice for identifying and addressing workplace bullying, including tips for building assertiveness and creating an anti-bullying culture. It offers strategies for both targets and witnesses of bullying to effectively respond and foster a respectful work environment.

The document addresses the pervasive issue of bullying in the workplace, offering strategies for individuals and organizations to recognize, address, and prevent it.

Signs of Being Bullied:

  • Severe anxiety or physical illness about going to work.
  • Feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation.
  • Increased use of sick days as a coping mechanism.
  • Noticing differential treatment compared to coworkers.
  • Experiencing frequent emotional outbursts.
  • Suspecting tampering with personal space and belongings.
  • Receiving unwarranted negative performance reviews.

Building Assertiveness:

  • Fake confidence and make eye contact.
  • Rehearse interactions to build confidence.
  • Remind yourself of your achievements.
  • Read inspiring biographies.
  • Set and accomplish short-term goals.
  • Engage in self-care activities.
  • Be knowledgeable in your field.
  • Practice gratitude.

Creating an Anti-Bullying Culture:

  • Leadership should initiate and model anti-bullying behaviors.
  • Clear, consistent policies against bullying.
  • Training employees to recognize and address bullying.
  • Ensuring all employees sign the anti-bullying policy.

Tactics That Don't Work:

  • Ignoring or appeasing the bully.
  • Complying with or being aggressive towards the bully.

Common Bully Tactics:

  • Blaming targets for nonexistent errors.
  • Unreasonable job demands and excessive criticism.
  • Inconsistent rule application.
  • Threats of termination and verbal abuse.
  • Taking credit for the target’s ideas and achievements.

Responding to Bullying:

  • As a manager: Address the bullying behavior directly with the perpetrator.
  • As a subordinate or coworker: Use assertive communication to address the behavior.

Short-Term Survival Tips:

  • Build a support network.
  • Be assertive and minimize contact with the bully.
  • Remember that being targeted is not your fault.

Cognitive Distortions and Their Cures:

  • All or Nothing Thinking: Recognize shades of gray.
  • Mental Filter: Focus on positive aspects.
  • Personalization: Accurately assess responsibility.
  • Magnification/Minimization: Acknowledge achievements and challenges appropriately.
  • Emotional Reasoning: Challenge irrational beliefs with facts.
  • "Should" Statements: View life as a series of lessons rather than mistakes.
  • Chicken Little: Celebrate positive outcomes and take one day at a time.

The document emphasizes proactive leadership, supportive environments, and individual assertiveness as key to combating workplace bullying.


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