PMI Learning Center

Railroads and Pediatrics

Written by Paul Vanchiere, MBA | Aug 16, 2024 9:09:05 PM

As the daily workflow of a busy pediatric practice continues its pace, it can be difficult for practice leaders to have a meaningful discussion about the future of the practice. While it can sometimes feel like these types of discussions are time-consuming, they are critical to ensuring the future success of a pediatric practice. 

PMI often reminds clients that the future vision of the practice is akin to a railroad track in that it needs to be perfectly aligned to be successful.  Imagine a train traveling on rails that constantly converge and diverge causing a less-than-smooth ride (and possible derailment).  For any train to smoothly move forward, the tracks must be 100% aligned. 

For practice leaders and stakeholders, there are many decisions to be made within a practice- which may not always align with the future vision.  Much like railroad inspectors who inspect the tracks periodically, leaders need to periodically set aside time to assess whether the vision of the practice is still aligned with the daily activities.  Failure to inspect the tracks (or ensure an aligned vision) could lead to an unexpected derailment.  

Leaders who take the time to ensure that everyone is aligned in the future vision of the practice are ensuring the smoothest experience for the children receiving care as well as the team working together to provide a medical home for patients.  Leaders who take the time to consistently compare the day-to-day activities with the collective vision can either adjust the alignment of the tracks or help stakeholders tweak their vision to avoid future conflict.  Many PMI clients dedicate time in a variety of ways to allow stakeholders to come together and evaluate their future vision.  Whether it is conducting a SWOT analysis during an executive retreat or an informal meeting to talk about things, it is important to verify that everyone is on the same page.  As a leader of a pediatric practice, you must find a way to ensure that the future vision of the practice is perfectly aligned.