PMI Learning Center

Delegating Effectively

Written by Paul Vanchiere, MBA | Aug 18, 2024 6:57:20 PM

Delegating Effectively

The "Delegating Effectively" guide provides leadership tips for successful delegation, emphasizing the importance of clear communication, appropriate authority, and effective monitoring. It outlines various levels of delegation, offers do's and don'ts, and provides steps to ensure tasks are completed efficiently and team members are empowered.

The document provides comprehensive guidelines and best practices for effective delegation, aimed at enhancing leadership skills and improving team performance.

Levels of Delegation:

  1. Perform the task as instructed: Minimal independence, following exact instructions.
  2. Outline options and ask for a decision: Slightly higher independence, involves some decision-making.
  3. Outline options and recommend an option: Higher independence, suggests preferred methods.
  4. Perform the task and report back: Greater independence, focus on results with updates.
  5. Perform the task: Full independence, with accountability for outcomes.

Giving Instructions:

  • Clear, specific instructions have an immediate effect and must be followed exactly.
  • Allowing for feedback and initiative can promote individual development but may take longer to implement.
  • Broad suggestions inspire self-motivation and initiative but may result in slower or no response.

Monitoring Delegation:

  1. Assignment Log: Track milestones and assignments.
  2. Personal Follow-Up: Regular, informal check-ins show the importance of the task.
  3. Sampling Techniques: Monitor quality through samples or participation.
  4. Progress Reports: Employees provide updates on steps and challenges.
  5. Management by Exception: Focus on deviations from standards, not all tasks, unless the employee is inexperienced or errors are critical.

Delegation Meetings:

  1. Explain the Job's Importance: Ensure the delegate understands the significance.
  2. Describe Needed Results: Focus on what is needed, not how to do it.
  3. Provide Necessary Authority: Empower the delegate to complete the task.
  4. Set Deadlines and Agreement: Clearly indicate deadlines and get agreement.
  5. Ask for Feedback: Ensure understanding through feedback.
  6. Establish Monitoring Process: Define how progress will be tracked.
  7. Set Rewards and Recognition: Recognize and reward achievements.

Do’s and Don’ts of Delegation:

  • Do:
    • Specify expected results.
    • Explain the reasons for delegation.
    • Give necessary authority.
    • Inform others of the delegation.
    • Have confidence in employees.
  • Don’t:
    • Delegate trivial tasks.
    • Expect perfection.
    • Delegate without a plan.
    • Be autocratic.
    • Micro-manage.
    • Take credit for others' work.

Deciding When and What to Delegate:

  • When to Delegate:
    • After understanding the job well.
    • When tasks can be handled by team members.
    • For tasks that contribute to team members' growth.
  • What to Delegate:
    • Tasks manageable by others.
    • Tasks that don’t require unique skills or confidential information.
    • Tasks aiding team development.
  • What Not to Delegate:
    • Performance evaluations and disciplinary actions.
    • Planning and forecasting.
    • Confidential tasks and those specifically assigned to you.
    • Complex situations beyond your understanding.

Delegation Process: Effective delegation involves identifying appropriate tasks, empowering team members, and providing the necessary support and monitoring to ensure successful completion.


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